Monday Miyagi

Monday Miyagi 032210 – Will Smith Success

Will Smith is one of the most successful people in the entertainment industry. This week’s Monday Miyagi is a video compiled by “themindguru” to share with you Will Smith’s great wisdom on life and the long, yet simple path to success and happiness. Enjoy!


Monday Miyagi 031510

This week’s Monday Miyagi comes from Mr. Kovar and is part of a series of short videos called “Where Success Stories Begin” that teach children how to get on a path to success at school, at home and in life. This segment discusses the importance…


Monday Miyagi 022210

“If to enjoy the beauty of a single petal from a flower, the eye had to interpret the blendings of color…classify each shade to its respective primary…we would have time for nothing else. Instead, the eye perceives this assortment of colors as a single experience….


Monday Miyagi 020810

This week’s Monday Miyagi relates Benjamin Franklin’s 13 Virtues. The majority of the text below comes from the – Enjoy! Benjamin Franklin is an American legend. He single handily invented the idea of the “self-made man.” Despite being born into a poor family and…