Testing FAQ
What is Tip Testing? Our curriculum runs on a quarter system and we conduct tip testing at the end of every month. TIP stands for “To Insure Progress” and represents a short term goal. At the end of month 1 and 2 students can earn…
What is Tip Testing? Our curriculum runs on a quarter system and we conduct tip testing at the end of every month. TIP stands for “To Insure Progress” and represents a short term goal. At the end of month 1 and 2 students can earn…
Congrats to our 2020 Year End Award Winners & Powerful Words Champions!! Year End Awards 2020 Ravenna-Bryant: Attitude: Sammy Frankson Perseverance: Andrew (Andy) Fischer McDonald Leadership: Cash Hinz Courtesy: Ella Wobbrock Intensity: Nicholas Yee Effort: Dylan Simensky Most Improved: Weston Quichocho Dragon of the Year: Avery Primitivo Junior…
There are some people and situations that make us feel unsure of ourselves. (1) Can you think of a time in school or out in the community when someone might be made to feel “less than” or not included (i.e. gossip, mean looks)? Some people…
Today we’re going to talk about having confidence in what we think, what we choose and what we say. We need to become confident in our brains! When we’re babies, someone else makes all our decisions for us. Now, we need to have confidence in…