Alpha Martial Arts

Monday Miyagi 122809

This week’s Monday Miyagi is all about goal-setting. I am a BIG believer in setting goals and believe that it is one of the big keys to the achievements I have made in my life. There are many different methods of goal setting — whatever…


AMA Fitness Challenge – Day 7 of 12

AMA Fitness Challenge Day 7/12:7 x Squat Thrusts *Start with feet a little wider than shoulders and toed-out slightly, squat placing hands between feet, kick feet back into plank position, return feet to squat position, stand all the way up & clap hands overhead The…


AMA Fitness Challenge – Day 5 of 12

AMA Fitness Challenge Day 5/12: Merry Christmas 🙂5 x Push Ups *Maintain a straight body & go all the way down (chest & hips touch floor) & all the way up, every time! The comments function on this blog doesn’t seem to be working, so…