Monday Miyagi 011810
Today’s Monday Miyagi is c/o of Mr. Tom Callos and is titled: “Martial Arts Philosophy in Under 45 Seconds”. Enjoy!
Today’s Monday Miyagi is c/o of Mr. Tom Callos and is titled: “Martial Arts Philosophy in Under 45 Seconds”. Enjoy!
Week 2: This week we’re talking about predicting and communicating feelings. In the heat of an argument, it’s difficult to be empathetic. It’s also challenging to refrain from blame. Someone once said; Love is saying “I feel differently,” instead of “You’re wrong.” As leaders, parents,…
Week 2: This week we’re talking about predicting and communicating feelings. In the heat of an argument, it’s difficult to be empathetic. It’s also challenging to refrain from blame. Someone once said; Love is saying “I feel differently,” instead of “You’re wrong.” As leaders, parents,…
In honor of my next trip to ProMac at the end of this week I am sharing a recent post from Mr. Kovar for our Monday Miyagi. Enjoy! You Can Judge a Person’s Character by the Way They Treat the People Least Important to Them…