Alpha Martial Arts | mr.herrman

Author: mr.herrman

Testing FAQ

What is Tip Testing? Our curriculum runs on a quarter system and we conduct tip testing at the end of every month. TIP stands for “To Insure Progress” and represents a short term goal. At the end of month 1 and 2 students can earn…


Awards 2020

Congrats to our 2020 Year End Award Winners & Powerful Words Champions!! Year End Awards 2020 Ravenna-Bryant: Attitude: Sammy Frankson Perseverance: Andrew (Andy) Fischer McDonald Leadership: Cash Hinz Courtesy: Ella Wobbrock Intensity: Nicholas Yee Effort: Dylan Simensky Most Improved: Weston Quichocho Dragon of the Year: Avery Primitivo Junior…


Monday Miyagi – 05/30/17

I was inspired this evening to share a Monday Miyagi… on a Tuesday 🙂 Enjoy!  The Fisherman and the Samurai   A long time ago during the reign of the Tokagawa Shogunate a samurai set out on an errand.   Precisely one year ago to…


Bullying and Cerebral Palsy

I was contacted recently by Alex Diaz-Granados, one of the chief editors at His team is campaigning for National Bullying Prevention Month, and has a ton of great information and resources for parents, teachers and caregivers to combat bullying on their site. “Studies concerning childhood bullying suggests…