Alpha Martial Arts | October POWerful Word – DIGNITY – Week 3


October POWerful Word – DIGNITY – Week 3

Every single one of us has strengths– perhaps you are a great writer or an amazing artist or a gifted athlete! Your gifts matter to the world! Sometimes, people are quick to put others down (or even themselves!) and pick on them for what makes them different. Have you seen that? As leaders, it is our job to lead with strengths and recognize them in ourselves and others. We must POWER-UP instead of POWER- DOWN people. Say; Power-UP! For example, I might tell someone “You are determined and never give-up.” Think of some people in your life, tell us, what is one of their strengths? What is one of your strengths? How can you keep your dignity when someone is putting you down (i.e. repeat the truth in your head)? How can “leading with strengths” be a way of treating ourselves & others with dignity? As a leader, how can we see VALUE in every person?

If you have time: Give a compliment to someone in this room. Try to give 3 sincere compliments (ones that are truthful and real) per day!