March POWerful Word – SELF-RELIANCE – Week 1
When we are able to rely on ourselves to do different tasks like get ready for our day in the morning, do our homework, practice, get to sleep on time and more, we are showing “self- reliance.” What are some things that you do now, on your own without help and prompting, that you weren’t able to do a year or two ago (1) at school (2) at home (3) here in class? When we talk about self-reliance, we talk about “trusting ourselves.” What does that mean– what are we trusting ourselves to do (i.e. good choice, practice)? When we talk about showing self-reliance, we also talk about being able to rely on our own “judgments.” What does it mean to be able to “judge” something and what exactly are we trying to judge (i.e. right from wrong, healthy/unhealthy, fair/unfair)? When
do you have to make a judgment (1) with friends (i.e. gossip, choosing friends) (2) in school (i.e. cheating, listening) or (3) Here in class or at home? That’s great self-reliance!
If you have time: Why can’t we let others do everything for us- isn’t that easier? Why is self- reliance important anyway?