July POWerful Word – PERSISTENCE – Week 3
Just as there are barriers that can get in the way of our persistence and our goal achievement there are also many resources that help us to stay focused, determined and persistent on our path to achieving a goal. (1) Support: Who in your family or among your friends and teachers cheer you on when you are having difficultly with a goal? Who can you go to when you are feeling frustrated? When we have strong support in our lives, it’s easier to be persistent and stay focused on achieving our goals. (2) Passion: Have you ever heard the word “passion” before as it relates to going after goals? Passion is that fire in your belly that spurs you forward and keeps you focused on achieving your goal even after failure and frustration. What goal are you passionate about achieving here in class, in school or in another area of your life? Stay persistent!
If you have time: Think of a time when you were particularly frustrated with a goal. Who or what helped?