
January POWerful Word – INITIATIVE – Week 1

Initiative is the powerful word that takes an idea, a job or a goal and puts it into action. Does the word “Initiative” remind you of any other words that sound the same (i.e. initiate- to start, initial- the beginning letter that starts your name)? Initiative is all about STARTING– taking the first action steps that get you to where you need to go. Now, we can’t just take any action- the action we take must have a goal or a “purpose.” Why do we say that the actions must be purposeful (i.e. you must take the right actions that move you forward). When you take initiative, you need to be “self-propelled” or a “self-starter”– what does that mean (i.e. no one needs to remind, nag, ask you to do it and nobody has to do the work for you)? How (and on what) do you show initiative at home (i.e. homework, cleaning room, getting up & ready in morning)? On what new task can you take initiative at home THIS month? When you take initiative at home, who does it impact? Let’s take the first self- propelled steps towards goal achievement and job completion! Say; “Take the first step!” Yes!

If you have time:How can YOUR initiative at home help others in your family? What might they say?