December POWerful Word – RESPECT – Week 2
Just like we need to show respect for others and treat them like they matter,
we need to show respect for ourselves! Respect for ourselves is called “self respect.” (Repeat together) When we show self respect, we are saying “I matter too.” What are some ways we can show self respect and treat our bodies and our brains as important and valuable (i.e. eat nutritious foods, exercise, sleep)? (1) NUTRITION: We can show self respect by eating nutritious foods. What kinds of foods are healthy for our bodies? Is it OK to eat treats every once in a while? Of course. All the time? No. (2) SLEEP: We show respect for ourselves by getting enough sleep. What happens when we don’t get enough sleep? (3) EXERCISE: We can show self respect by exercising our bodies and brains. How can we do that? When we show self respect, we are saying “we matter.”
If you have time: How can good hygiene show respect for your body and brain? Drinking water?