12 Days of AMA Fitness Challenge – Day 10/12
12 Days of AMA Fitness Challenge Day 10/12:
10 x Squat Jumps
*Start with feet slightly wider than shoulders (toe out slightly) bend knees and touch fingertips of both hands to mat between your feet, jump so that feet leave the mat and land back in squat position with fingertips touching mat.
The comments function on this blog doesn’t seem to be working, so just record your times and you can email me after completing Day 12. Have Fun!
There are 3 levels:
Level 1 (Dragon Challenge) = Do just the exercise for the day
- 10 x Squat Jumps
Level 2 (Basic Challenge) = Start with the exercise for the day and work your way back to Day 1, completing every exercise for every day in-between
- 10 x Squat Jumps
- 9 x Burpees
- 8 x Russian Twists
- 7 x Squat Thrusts
- 6 x Sit Ups
- 5 x Push Ups
- 4 x Backward Bumps
- 3 x Squats
- 2 x 25 Lead Leg Round Kicks
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks
Level 3 (Black Belt Challenge) = Complete the fitness exercise for Day 1, then complete the fitness exercise for Day 2 & Day 1, then complete Days 3, 2, & 1… all the way up to the current days workout and back to Day 1. See the lyrics for the “12 days of Christmas” for more details 🙂
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks
- 2 x 25 Lead Leg Round Kicks
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks
- 3 x Squats
- 2 x 25 Lead Leg Round Kicks
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks
- 4 x Backward Bumps
- 3 x Squats
- 2 x 25 Lead Leg Round Kicks
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks
- 5 x Push Ups
- 4 x Backward Bumps
- 3 x Squats
- 2 x 25 Lead Leg Round Kicks
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks
- 6 x Sit Ups
- 5 x Push Ups
- 4 x Backward Bumps
- 3 x Squats
- 2 x 25 Lead Leg Round Kicks
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks
- 7 x Squat Thrusts
- 6 x Sit Ups
- 5 x Push Ups
- 4 x Backward Bumps
- 3 x Squats
- 2 x 25 Lead Leg Round Kicks
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks
- 8 x Russian Twists
- 7 x Squat Thrusts
- 6 x Sit Ups
- 5 x Push Ups
- 4 x Backward Bumps
- 3 x Squats
- 2 x 25 Lead Leg Round Kicks
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks
- 9 x Burpees
- 8 x Russian Twists
- 7 x Squat Thrusts
- 6 x Sit Ups
- 5 x Push Ups
- 4 x Backward Bumps
- 3 x Squats
- 2 x 25 Lead Leg Round Kicks
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks
- 10 x Squat Jumps
- 9 x Burpees
- 8 x Russian Twists
- 7 x Squat Thrusts
- 6 x Sit Ups
- 5 x Push Ups
- 4 x Backward Bumps
- 3 x Squats
- 2 x 25 Lead Leg Round Kicks
- 1 x 50 Jumping Jacks