
July POWerful Word – EXCELLENCE – Week 3

We can strive for excellence in friendship and other key relationships. How can you be an excellent friend or an excellent family member? Yes! Let’s talk more about excellence in relationships. Some ways that we can strive for excellence are by: (1) Listening! It can be challenging to listen when we are also trying to do other tasks. We already know that listening takes focus– but it also shows kindness and a constant striving for excellence in our relationships. How can listening improve relationships and your connection with others (i.e. understand their view, share what’s important to them)? We are striving for excellence when we STOP, LOOK & LISTEN to the people we care about and who care for us. (2) Showing gratitude. What does gratitude mean (i.e. saying/ showing thanks)? How can showing gratitude expand your connection with others (i.e. let’s people know you value, notice & understand them). How do YOU strive to be the best friend & family member you can be?

If you have time: How do YOU feel when someone listens to you? Who listens to you? Excellent!